Monday, February 14, 2011

Anti Super Bowl campout v 3.0

The Anti-superbowl campout was never supposed to have that name. It took place on Superbowl weekend, but was not supposed to be anti-anything.

This is my third year attending. First year and second year reports are linked.

I took my LaTorre tent-of-doom out for the first time, I wanted to test the poles. They failed. Miserably. The wind was too damn strong and the connections blew out in the middle. Time to re-engineer the poles. Still, that thing is huge.

We had a welcome addition of a split window and (Jason) very fanatic owner. Witness his tattoos.

His bus is in impressive shape considering his trips to burning man, and his drive down from Carson City Nevada.

Mike was also a newcomer with an impressive 1979 Avocado. We met him at Burning Van, he showed up the very next weekend.

It was a windy campout, but not rainy. Given the two, I'll take wind. More pics later.

Introducing, The Squirrel

I have another VW. I know it's a sickness. I'm cutting and pasting the post that I put on the samba: The Back story: My grandpare...